Envibe brand creation

The brief

Create a trademarkable brand name, brand promise, brand positioning and logo for a new software product – with little prior product knowledge, and no branding agency, in just one week!

The approach

I kicked things off first thing on Monday morning, by facilitating a branding workshop with key stakeholders from across the business including the CEO, General Manager, Sales Manager, and several software developers.

This process was designed to generate healthy debate and draw out people’s perceptions of how the product was viewed by staff and clients, and to start to work through how they would like it to be perceived in the future.

As well as identifying key words that would help create the brand positioning, the workshop provided insights into the brand’s point of difference. The software was powerful and vibrant, and was already generating significant excitement in the market. Underlying its sleek interface was rigour and strength that set it apart from competitor products.

By Tuesday afternoon, after much discussion and sharing of ideas, we had a brand name: Envibe. This combines the concepts of “strength” and “vibrance”, and can be used as a verb – we envibe your business to help it succeed.

I undertook all of the trademark searches, to ensure the product name was truly unique and could be trademarked in Australia if this was required in the near future.

In collaboration with the General Manager, I also created a brand promise: innovation meets simplicity. This reflects the fact that although the software is cutting-edge, it is also easy to use – a key differentiator in this particular market.

I developed brand positioning statement at the same time. This is a key tool to help designers, marketers and others who are creating marketing material quickly develop an understanding of the brand.

A low-cost external designer was brought on board to create the logo, incorporating both these elements. I guided this process, providing advice on colours, fonts, and the logomark to achieve a look that would reflect the elegance of the product and also convey the robust nature of the overall software solution.

The results

One trademarkable brand name, one brand promise, one positioning statement and one logo, delivered within five days, for less than $500.

Brand name: Envibe

Brand promise: innovation meets simplicity